Album: Lijiang - Tiger Leaping GorgeHiking above the Yangtze at 3000+ meters. Incredible!!! Changed: 04/19/2022
Contains: 37 items. Viewed: 1973 times.
Album: Lijiang - Around TownVenice with mountains, need I say more... Changed: 07/16/2022
Contains: 12 items. Viewed: 1856 times.
Album: Kunming - Around TownA few sights and the beggar kids, kinda sad Changed: 01/23/2015
Contains: 11 items. Viewed: 805 times.
Album: Dali - Erhai LakeA lake surrounded by mountains, now where are the sail boats... dad, a business idea perhaps? Changed: 07/16/2022
Contains: 15 items. Viewed: 2004 times.
Album: Dali - ChangshanA great hike up and an incredible 15km hike across! Changed: 07/16/2022
Contains: 12 items. Viewed: 1623 times.
Album: Dali - Around TownShopping, Dali at night, and the Dali country side -- don't miss these! Changed: 04/19/2022
Contains: 28 items. Viewed: 1845 times.